Buffalo Chip coast redwood
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
by Mario Vaden
This coast redwood is nicknamed Buffalo Chip because of the burl bark surface around the base. The outside of the burl area somewhat resembles the shape of bovine manure. I have no knowledge what causes this look, and it is not typical for redwood bark in general. I thought this would make an interesting addition to show extra variation that can be anticipated in the parks.
This coast redwood isn't very difficult to find. It's not noteworth other than being a nice looking redwood near other nice looking redwoods. If you park on Walker Rd. in Jedediah Smith redwood park, cross the creek and bridge, and wander a couple of path, you can probably spot the trunk easily.
Some people have conniption fits about people standing on redwood trunks or bark. But for this redwood below, no worries. It is growing bark faster than than the affect of people who have enjoyed standing with it. This redwood only sees a fraction of the people who stand next to big redwoods along Boyscout Tree trail.
When you explore the parks, look at various wood and burl growth and notice the difference.