Forest Redwoods

Mystery Coast Redwood #8

Halloween 2015 .. Fairies and redwoods in the "Kokiri Forest"

by Mario Vaden


To briefly reiterate .. these Mystery redwood pages were interjected to help me remember times and events from days gone by, and to share a few stories with others.

The redwood below stands in a hidden gulch. The biggest are out of sight, some which haven't been published. This photo brings back memories from the day before and the day after Halloween, 2015. The fun started October 30th in Redwood National Park, when I encountered a woman with a dream to be a fairy in the redwoods. The next day on Halloween, I met Michael from South Africa, who arrived at Klamath's Holiday Inn. Our first taste of forest was the same area in Redwood National Park where the fairy girl stood. We sampled that area for an hour to break-in Michael on bushwhacking, then drove north to Prairie Creek.

Jedediah Smith Redwoods park


After a handful of easy-to-reach redwoods, we entered thicker forest to see what we could find. This is the lovely grove where we finally called it quits and headed back. In the photo, I'm looking the direction of Mojo redwood which is nearby on another slope. I refer to this spot as the Kokiri Forest, from a game my son and I used to enjoy playing .. Zelda The Ocarina of Time.

Halloween is a good time to visit the redwoods. I avoid going to the redwood parks on holidays like Memorial Day or Labor Day or Spring Break because the parks get more busy. But I learned that Halloween was different, and seems to leave fewer people going into the redwoods.


Giant Coast Redwood near a noteworthy gulch