Redwoods in Stout Grove

Giant Peanut Redwood Sculpture

Orick, CA, Hy. 101 by Redwood National Park

Continued from: Largest Coast Redwoods

Copyright 2015 by Mario Vaden

Jedediah Smith Redwoods park



This is the famous redwood peanut sculpture, sent by loggers to Washington, D.C., in protest. It was sent as a gift of mockery to President Carter, rejected by aids, and returned to the redwood coast.

This photo was taken at the south end of Orick, outside a small convenience store. Its also been the only place to buy fuel in that tiny village too. But that's where the peanut sat on display last time I photographed it, less than 80 feet off Hy. 101 (2015)

In 1977, Orick loggers carved an old-growth redwood log with chainsaws and made what was said to be a 9 ton peanut. It was sent as a sarcastic gift to Pres. Jimmy Carter, who approved the Redwood National Park expansion. They loaded the sculpture on a truck and it was driven to the White House with a sign "It may be peanuts to you, but it’s jobs to us."

If you drive through Orick, say by 2015 to 2030, it may be evident the peanut stood the test of time better than half the buildings in Orick. The hamlet has seen some tough years.

Some day, the redwood peanut may yeild to decay, become firewood, or move to a new home. But if you pass through there on the way to Redwood National Park, keep an eye out, and maybe pose by a piece of history.

But the people have been very nice to me in Orick ... very friendly most visits.

giant redwood peanut scupture carving in Orick


Jedediah Smith Redwoods park
