
A Tallest Tree Discovery of 2006 in Redwood National Park

A right way to measure tree height?

Is there a better way to measure trees? Before we dive straight into tree height, take a moment to reflect on childhood. Over the years, did your parents measure you from head to toe? Or did they hold the tape at your ankle and measure to the top of your head? Maybe this can be […]

The Folly of Big Tree Hunting

I’m not unthankful for having discovered some record size trees over the years. But if I could go back in time, 100% of the forest adventures would focus on exploring for photography and enjoyment. About 0% of last 2022 was spent looking for a new “record” tree. I left the laser rangefinder at home and […]

Walk on roots = good !! (?)

Walk on roots = good !! (?)

Last week, I posted the first image below on Facebook. A visitor center person or ranger replied that trees in the grove are best kept secret so people don’t walk on its roots or climb the bases. This follows a mantra commonly found among rangers and visitor centers, “walk on roots = bad”. Then they […]

Foggy Redwoods Near Crescent City

Gloom that’s not doom

Yes – “gloom and doom” ! Many of us heard the phrase so often in our lifetime that the one word “gloom” may connote only negative thoughts. Webster’s definitions include depressing, dismally dark, lacking in promise, and forbidding. But there remains a more obscure meaning …“partially dark” There’s a wide range to “partially dark”, and […]

Are Redwoods a Church?

Are Redwoods a Church?

Have you ever heard somebody say the redwoods are their church? Some may agree, others may disagree, but there’s actually truth in that. Most people probably think of scripture, God, Jesus, pastors or Christians when the word “church” is read or heard. And to be frank with you the church of biblical epistles is something […]

Grove of Titans goes Heavy Metal

Grove of Titans goes Heavy Metal

by Mario D. Vaden, I. S. A. Certified Arborist, PN-5584A This page is about the Grove of Titans project and Mill Creek trail in Jedediah Smith park, adjacent to Crescent City, CA. I’m an arborist who observed, photographed and documented this grove yearly since 2008. Please review this page and linked content for context. It’s […]

Certified Arborist

New Tallest Non-indigenous Sequoiadendron

Updates: Remeasured December 4, 2020 at 213.08 feet; July 17, 2021 at 213.98 feet; November 24, 2022 at 214.89 feet. Video link included after a few paragraphs. by Mario Vaden, Certified Arborist ISA PN-5584A March 2020, we discovered a new height record for Sequoiadendron planted outside the natural range, near Eagle Point, Oregon. I measured […]

Coast Redwood Forest Trunk in Redwood National Park

Redwood forest knits friends around the globe

Over the years, I’ve met a few people who don’t care for other humans much, but I’m one who enjoys new conversations and people. Over the years, the coast redwood parks have brought many new friends from other states and countries.  Sometimes it started with email or phone, sometimes meeting on a trail. And even from the local […]

Hyperion Redwood World's tallest tree

“Space, the final frontier” ??

Anyone else out there a fan of the original Star Trek series? Remember the short opening monologue? “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, its five years mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.” […]

Lost Man's Fault Redwood

Do fallen redwoods really gain 100s of species?

The redwood shown below is a fallen titan that was a single trunk about 24 feet diameter. If you look closely, you can see the tiny human speck on top where my red shirt is visible. I chose this photo to help help clarify something about fallen coast redwoods. At least twice this summer, I […]