Fairy Puke Icmadophila

Fairy Puke

This is a Lichen called “Fairy Puke” … specifically Icmadophila ericetorus. The photo was taken near a research study plot in Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. It is not rare, but far from common-place. I see Black Bear about as often as Fairy Puke in Redwood National and State Parks. Although, I’d probably find Icmadophila […]

Albino Coast Redwood

Albino Coast Redwoods

Recently updated my Albino Coast Redwood page with an email and contact if any of you happen to know of a newly found or lesser-known albino Coast Redwood.  If you know of one, and the location, contact … Zane Moore or Tom Stapleton albinoredwoods@gmail.com Whether the albino redwood is 50 feet tall, 4 inches tall, […]