New Redwood Discovery

June 2nd, we discovered a large Coast Redwood in Redwood National and State Parks. It will probably rank among the 10 largest known Coast Redwoods.

My exploring partner was Chris Atkins, whom I first met for LiDAR redwood measuring.We fine-tined our  preparation …. packing snacks, cameras, lenses, getting a  RNP overnight  camping permit, water shoes, lasers, GPS, compass, batteries, etc.. The weather was near perfect.  Presently, I am not releasing specific stats or a name. Given time, more  measuring may tweak the numbers. I will add that this is a single trunk … not a twin or fused tree. The photo below is not the same redwood, but conveys how large and unique other discoveries were. The Coast Redwood we found on June 2nd is at least 280 ft. and we think its bigger than Howland Hill Giant or Bull Creek Giant. Between preparation and an early start, we got deeper into pockets of forest  not  reached  in previous years.

Update: more info is  posted at >>  Coast Redwood Year of Discovery

Big Redwood

Big Redwood